One way to stay healthy during Covid-19: Making Indonesian Jamu (Herbal Balinese Drink)

Our freshly made, delicious, and healthy Jamu.

Looking for a way to stay healthy during Covid-19? Aside from following safety protocols, local authorities have emphasised the importance of eating healthy food and drinking nourishing beverages, getting enough rest, managing stress, and exercising to maintain overall wellness.

With this, we’re rolling out another gem from our collection of healthy recipes to help you and your family stay well and build resilience throughout this challenging time: Indonesian Jamu.

According to historians, jamu has been existing in Indonesian culture for more than 1,000 years. Traditional jamu recipe is handed down from generation to generation.

Delightful and delicious, our own recipe for this Balinese infusion consists of turmeric, galangal, tamarind and palm sugar.

Turmeric is the main ingredient in Jamu.

Throughout Indonesia, Jamu is considered a medicinal drink and offers healing for the body. Traditionally, this is drunk one glass a day each morning. Jamu juice is known as a blood cleanser, a weight loss solution and has anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant and antiseptic properties. It also assists in reducing cholesterol.

Here’s our own recipe for Indonesian Jamu (Herbal Balinese Drink):

1 litre of water
10cm long mother turmeric (peeled and chopped)
10cm long galangal (peeled and chopped)
2 tbps tamarind (seeds and pulp)
2 tbsp palm sugar


In a blender, blend the water with the turmeric and galangal. Add to a pot and bring to a boil. Then add the tamarind and the palm sugar. Simmer for 30 minutes before straining. Add honey and lemon juice before serving.

Jamu can be drunk hot or cold and the proportions can be varied depending on what you like.

You can keep this in a glass bottle in the fridge for up to 1 week.

By eating and drinking the right kinds of food, you can help your family stay healthy during Covid-19.

In the coming weeks, we will be publishing more recipes that will help you stay healthy, so stay tuned!

Check out our cooking classes and book a private class to learn more plant-based, healthy recipes you could make at home. Email to book private class today.

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