Couples Who Cook Together Are The Happiest!

By Serene Kwok

A recent survey — sponsored by Calphalon and conducted by Light Speed GMI — asked about 1,000 U.S. adults ages 18 and older how they think cooking influences their relationships. And it turns out, most of them placed a very high importance on cooking together!

In fact, 87 percent of those surveyed believe that cooking is one of the top activities couples can do to strengthen their relationship. Almost all Americans — 98 percent, to be exact — think that communication is an essential component of a happy marriage, and they believe that cooking together is a great way to foster that communication. This sentiment rang true no matter what stage the respondents were in their own relationships: 88 percent of those in a serious relationship, 94 percent of those who are engaged, 89 percent of those recently married, and 84 percent who have been married for a while all agree cooking brings couples together via communication.

Most couples also think that cooking with or for your partner is a way to show your partner you love him or her. And takeout just won't do. 92 percent of the survey respondents believe that home cooked meals help connect partners. And 78 percent of the respondents believe that couples who cook together stay together.  So how often have you been cooking with your better half or simply eating a home cooked meal together?

In our local context, it seems that many dating and newly wed couples feel the lack to invest time into cooking together at home. The option to dine out has become such a norm that as a society we are all struggling to appreciate the benefits of a meal time at home. Cooking together with your partner not only benefits your health but your emotional wellbeing as well!

This simple act cultivates your relationship and helps it to grow stronger as you bond together. It brings a positive effect to your relationship and has additional benefits when you cook a healthy meal together.  Whether it is a big occasion or a simple weeknight, preparing and eating a meal together in the comforts of your home is important as it gives you a chance to slow down and focus on the familiarity of eating a meal together despite your busy schedules. 

A shared activity like cooking with your partner gives the positive effect of making you feel like there is a stronger connection between you and this in turn can help to make you feel more contented which leads to a healthier partnership or marriage in the long term.

Here are some benefits to your relationships when you cook together as a couple:

#1 Improves Communication and Bonding  

Two heads work better than one, especially when it comes to marketing, meal planning and food preparations! Cooking opens the door for communication on different topics such as upcoming and present events, or even simply just catching up with each other for the day. Cooking as a couple fosters not only communication but also bonding.

#2 Laugh together

Cooking together is a great way to have fun and discover the different facets of each other. Is your partner great with his culinary skills or simply just good at burning the fish? You not only learn to complement each other’s lack of culinary skills but also have fun discovering new cooking techniques together!

#3 Enhances your partnership skills

Cooking as a team and solving issues together enhances your partnership and let you appreciate each other better. Sharing the kitchen creates a bonding experience and an environment that stimulates creativity and fun! You will also develop a better appreciation for your partner’s commitment and contributions and establish your partnership skills together!

At Palate Sensations Culinary School, we offer a unique hands on cooking class for couples who are looking forward to cooking and sharing a meal together. 

Join us for one of our Sexy Date Night hands on classes where our Executive Chef Randall guides you & your partner through a 3 hour class to prepare a 3 course meal for just $220 per couple, with free flow of beer and soft drinks on the house. No corkage fees for bringing your own wines too.

Do something for your relationship now, register here.

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