Whether it's kids cooking classes or kid's birthday parties or holiday culinary workshops, our central theme with children's cooking classes are always about fun, joy and enrichment. With those three elements in mind, we launched our holiday cooking workshops or otherwise known as Junior Culinary Bootcamp on Monday. The kids ranged in age from 8 upwards and they were eager to start so on the first morning, we made Japanese curry with rice and steamed egg which they ate for lunch.
After their break, they continued on with Chef Brenda explaining how to make a chicken pie and sausage rolls. Having grown up in Sydney, these are my childhood comfort food and these kids were just as enthusiastic and excited as I was to see them being made. We will continue to hold children and parent cooking classes throughout the year on the weekends or on weekday afternoons for those who can't commit to a 5 day holiday cooking workshop. During all major school holidays, we will run the 5 Day Junior Culinary Bootcamp. We all want our kids to have fun and be stimulated the right way so start them young and enrich them with basic culinary and baking skills because this is a life skill they will thank you for later in life. Both my parents worked when I was growing up in Sydney and as there was no home help, my sisters and I were always expected to help out in the kitchen doing chores and some of the cooking. Ever since I was in primary school, we routinely prepared roast chicken and potatoes for dinner on a weekly basis. Perhaps it's these memories that always makes me love being in the kitchen.
If you are interested in sending your children for our Junior Culinary Bootcamp, do check out the schedules here. If you want to know more about all our kids activities, check out our Kids Page.
Palate Sensations Culinary School Kids Cooking Classes @ Palate Sensations, Classes @ Palate Sensations