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(NEW) Valentine's Day Fun & Celebrations

Indulge in a feast and celebrate!

Duration: 3 hours/session

For: 1 session

Fees: $150.00

Chef: Ryan Lim

Alert! Not enough quantity is available!

Valentine's Day is almost here, and what better way to celebrate than with delicious food and great company? Whether you're planning a romantic date or just want to spend some quality time with family and friends, our cooking class has got you covered. We'll be teaching you how to make mouth-watering dishes like pineapple guacamole with marinated shrimp tartine, chargrilled aged ribeye with gratinated potatoes and heirloom tartare, and deconstructed honey tomato panna cotta with meringue shards and salted corn ash. Get ready to impress your loved ones with your newfound cooking skills and have a blast while you're at it. 

Pineapple guacamole & marinated shrimp tartine

Chargrilled grain fed aged ribeye,gratinated potato,heirloom tartare,diane jus

Deconstruct honey tomato panna cotta,meringue shards,salted corn ash

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