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(NEW) Chinese New Year Celebrations- Vegan Pineapple Crumble Cake

Celebrate Chinese New Year with this impressive cake!

Duration: 4 hours/session

For: 1 session

Fees: $180.00

Chef: Joyce Thong

Alert! Not enough quantity is available!

Sandwiched with pineapple jam, crispy, fragrant coconut crumbles and finished with a creamy frosting, this cake is great for Chinese New Year yet versatile enough as an all through the year treat. Dairy free, egg free, not too sweet yet filled with flavour.

In this session, you will learn how to:
- make soft and moist cake
- make coconut crumbles
- make pineapple jam fillings
- prepare frosting, assemble and decorate the cake
- decoration tips and variations

Bring home your very own decorated cake at the end of the session!


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