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Delectable Thai Flavours

Master Thai flavours with mushroom salad, shrimp cakes & beef red curry

Duration: 3 hours/session

For: 1 session

Fees: $148.00

Chef: Loreta Quitoles

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If you figured Thai food was all about fish sauce, chilli padi and lime juice, let us show you a different side to this cuisine. The ingredients may be exotic to some, but they all play an integral role in the dish to create layers of flavour.

We will talk about these ingredients and walk through the recipe together. Ultimately, you will cook and assemble the dishes and its results are truly gratifying. It is not difficult to create a Thai dish, merely, it's about understanding the balance of sweet, sour, salty and spicy. 

This class will be 3 hours, and these recipes will be taught:

Thai Mushroom Salad

Thai Shrimp Cake with Sweet Chilli Sauce

Red Curry with Beef (Panang Curry) 


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