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Clean Eating - Western flavours

Clean eating at its best with chicken, pumpkin and quinoa!

Duration: 3 hours/session

For: 1 session

Fees: $168.00

Chef: Ryan Lim

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Welcome to our virtual round the world cooking class where clean eating meets exciting global flavours. Join us on a culinary adventure that will leave you feeling nourished and energised with every dish. From quinoa fruit bowls to roasted pumpkin and brussel sprouts salad, the menu has been meticulously designed to help you stay healthy while indulging in the vibrant flavours of our eclectic dishes. With the guidance of our professional chef, you'll discover new healthy cooking techniques that honour your body's desire for clean, unprocessed nutrition. Embark on a journey where fun meets education, and every stir and chop promotes a healthier, happier you.

Roasted Pumpkin and Brussel Sprouts Salad

Roasted Chicken Breast with Olive Rice and Mushroom Ragout

Quinoa Fruit Bowl

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