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Asian Soft Breads

Make crispy crust coffee bun, chicken floss bun and coconut swirl bun!

Duration: 4 hours/session

For: 1 session

Fees: $168.00

Chef: Loreta Quitoles

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Have you ever wanted to add some variety to your bread making routine? Join a baking class that will teach you how to make Asian Soft Breads. These specialty buns are far from basic and offer unique flavors that will impress your taste buds. This class will guide you through the process of making a Coconut Swirl Bun, a Crispy Crust Coffee Bun, and a Chicken Floss Bun. This class will leave you feeling like a professional baker in no time. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to add these specialty buns to your baking repertoire.

Coconut Swirl Bun

Crispy Crust Coffee Bun

Chicken Floss Bun

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